Thursday, January 15, 2015

7. How you can help

I've created this blog so that I would able to share the story. So please read all of the 6 other posts. I desperately need the $ for the retainer fee for my attorney so I can file the custody papers right away and start the battle to bring my daughter home safely, before anything worse happens to her. 

Her father is constantly going on a power trip with her, constantly threatening to call the police on her and telling her that she will be the one to go to jail. He constantly threatens to take her phone away from her, knowing that she won't be able to call for help if she doesn't have a phone. I still can't fathom how he can allow her to go into foster care on the weekends, so he can get a break! I 'm just sick and feel completely helpless at this time, knowing that money is the thing that is keeping me from keeping her safe.  I have invited my daughter's boyfriend to come post here as he can tell of incidents he has witnessed recently and during the last year. 

Please help, I don't like asking anyone for help, but I am desperate at this moment to save my daughter's life. I am so terrified that another incident will occur that won't end well.

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