Monday, January 26, 2015

8. Update

Last week, I emailed some state CPS heads trying to get some answers from someone. Here's what I said:
"I am writing to you because I feel that the CPS Office, specifically, the CPS Supervisor, Ms ____, of ____ County is not doing her job to protect my daughter.  I received a letter from Ms. ___ in September saying that she had been trying to get a hold of me and had been unsuccessful. She asked me if I could contact her. My daughter lives with her father in ___, WI and she told me that she had been working with them and providing counseling for my daughter. She wanted some background history of my daughter. She failed to tell me why and how she got involved. A week later, I found out from my daughter what had really happened and why Ms. ___ was involved. You can read the email from my daughter here:
And these are the pictures I was sent:

I emailed Ms ___, questioning the event, and wondering how she was protecting my daughter, as I thought CPS was there to protect children. She replied back to me, telling me that my daughter has had a couple versions of the story, and that the father, Mr ___, admitted to slapping her across the face while trying to take her phone away, but had no excuse or reason why the bruising. She also told me that I should not be pulled into the drama and that I should just focus on getting my daughter help. She also told me that this was the original case that she has been assigned to investigate and that she had "begged" (her words not mine) the District Attorney not to open a case against Mr. ____ because she "knew this family well" (again her words, not mine). I am sorry but there are several things that I have a problem with that she told me regarding this. First of all, telling me that she knows this family well to me means that she is a friend of the family or something closer than what she should be. It immediately brought concerns to me and I wondered if she should of removed herself from the case due to a conflict of interest. Secondly, telling me that Mr. ____ has no idea where the bruising came from, no excuse, no recollection, nothing to say in regards to this, that I am just supposed to stand by and accept those answers. I can't even believe that CPS or the authorities would even accept those answers or non-answers as they may be. I cannot believe that first of all, she was left in the house after such an incident or allegation. I also cannot believe that I was not even contacted about the incident itself.

As if that wasn't enough, his home passed a home inspection. These are the pictures my daughter took of the home and it's conditions.

It's amazing that his home passed an inspection. It's amazing that considering the amount of vodka bottles around the house doesn't prove itself that a real problem exists. It's amazing the filth, the mold, the mess, completely unsanitary was acceptable for anyone to live in. AND Ms. ___, not only a CPS Employee, but a CPS Supervisor, passed this house on an inspection. To me this clearly tells me that she is definitely a friend or friend of the family and protecting Mr. ____ over protecting my daughter.

Last week, my daughter told me that she was going to be enrolled in Foster Care on the weekends, most likely every other weekend. She started last Friday night thru Sunday. Once again, I was not notified, I was not asked if she could come stay with me, nothing was discussed with me. Apparently Ms. ___ said Mr. ____ needs a break from his daughter and so she gets sent to a Foster home! Are you kidding me??? are my thoughts on this. This is completely ridiculous! On top of it, Ms. ___ picked my daughter up from school and took her to the Foster Home on Friday evening. But ironically, she did not drop my daughter off at her father's house on Sunday. Hmmm, was she purposely avoiding seeing the inside of his home?

There is constant verbal abuse besides the occasional physical abuse. My daughter's boyfriend has several recordings regarding the verbal abuse from not only Mr. ___, but also his mother, Mrs. ___ ___.

I just feel that the CPS department of ___ County and the CPS Supervisor are not protecting my daughter in the ways that this department is supposed to. I hope that you will please investigate so that my daughter gets the protection she deserves.

Thank you for your time. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

So then I talked to her on the on the phone afterwards and she proceeded to tell me their definition of child abuse. "Bruises are not considered child abuse. Only lacerations and broken bones are considered child abuse." I said, but ma'am these are not your ordinary bruises! She said yeah I see that, but bruises are not child abuse! What???!!! She also said that due to my daughter's age, she can maneuver over everything without a problem. I couldn't believe what she told me. These laws need to change. I see on the local news all the time, children are removed from their homes due to hoarders & messes. I also see on the news incidents that are less in severity (than choking a child, but still an important issue, don't get me wrong) and the child or children are removed from the home. My only thought that constantly comes to mind, what if he tries to choke her again and what if he succeeds? Who is going to answer to me then? She sent me an email to summarize some of what we discussed on the phone.

I beg for your help in gathering the funds to file for custody and bring her back home safely. I'm not one who likes to ask for help or even share my personal life so this has been really hard to do, but I don't know what else I can do to save my daughter. 

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